IPA Polyschicht 2K, 11 kg unit

Product number: 85000-0003

IPA Polyschicht 2K is a two-component, solvent-free coating system on a polymer / silicate basis

Weight: 0.6182 kg

IPA Polyschicht 2K is a dissipative, plastic-modified polymer silicate with DIBt approval. It consists of a binder and a hardener component. The coating can be made electrostatically dissipative.

Fields of application:

- Installations with sealing surfaces in accordance with § 62 WHG for handling liquid substances hazardous to water.

- Sewer structures

- Sewage engineering installations, e.g. pipes, shafts, digestion towers and flow channels

- Collection areas of LAU and HBV plants

- Plants with biogenic sulfuric acid contamination

- biogas plants


- Resistant to wastewater from pH 0 - 14, chromic acid 35%, fuel oils, solvents, fuels, oils and greases.

- Solvent free

- Water vapor diffusible

- Complete curing even under water